
As a member you get to have a say in how Nuts And Bolts is run (by participation in the yearly members assembly) and you are vital in allowing us to continue our activity. Your membership helps us to keep Nuts And Bolts content and events available for all, regardless of their location or income. If you believe in the importance of what Nuts And Bolts does, be a part of ensuring its continuation!

Anyone can become a member. If you are based outside of Norway or Germany, you can become a member of the department that has your preference.

The membership fee is NOK 200 (Norway) or € 20 (Germany) per year. Membership is according to the calendar year, and you pay the full fee regardless when you join. Approve our membership agreement in order to join.

Would you like to become a member of Nuts And Bolts, but you can’t afford the fee? Please send us an email and we will hook you up.

Would you like to support Nuts And Bolts more? You can do so by becoming a member of our Patreon site, or make a donation via Paypal.

The rejection of the application for membership cannot be challenged and does not have to be justified.